
Mother's Day 2024

 Behold the wisdom of God's way That in His plan He formed our days To reflect the glory of the Son To Fight the Battle already won To run the race by being still To forsake our way and do God's will To live for Christ by dying to our sin To abide in the Lord finding strength in Him To stand firm in faith upon our knees To find in serving others what it is to be free To find true life at the tomb Where Christ's crucified body burst forth as from the womb To know the Prince of Peace in life's storms To know the might of His grace when we are worn To taste his all-satisfying worth When His Holy Spirit gives us new birth  To be stripped of all that is not of God To come to see His mercy in His rod To lean only upon His Word To see His provision as we look at the birds To see Christ's beauty in every day From the rising of the sun till every ray Sinks down below the horizon far And dark night sets in with twinkling stars. This is the measure of my days That in every mom

He Gives Us Gardens

    (Enjoy some thoughts and lessons from my heart that my sister Bethany planted about gardens) How wondrous and mind-boggling it is to realize that all we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in creation around us ALL points to God. For the Lord did not aimlessly create things, but with exact precision and design created all he did to reveal his glory. Psalm 19:1 says that "the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Again in Psalm 50:6, the psalmist exclaims that "the heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge!" In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome and stated: "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. . ." (Roman 1:19-20). This shows us that just like the

Reflections on Repentance and Forgiveness

 The glorious pictures of the Gospel of Jesus Christ abound! Open up eyes and hearts to this wondrous display of glory lighting up the darkness here like a fireworks show! All these glimpses of glory just whisper to us of what is to come when all is said and done on this earth in our small, moment of time. We need God's Word directing us, His Spirit leading us, and his beauty inspiring us. All of creation is singing a lovely song of glory to the King of kings. The sun and moon and stars know not what they are doing, but they do what they were designed to do and so they give glory to God and so proclaim his attributes. However, as image-bearers, we humans have a glorious privilege to not just do what God designed us to do, but to behold him and embrace his design with joy as we also come to know him intimately.  In every moment of our lives his presence pursues us with grace and mercy. We hardly realize it though for we simply enjoy God's gifts without thinking of him the giver.


June 19, 2013 Wait.  Fearful heart, be still and see  The wondrous love of God for Thee  Let not by striving, faith's joy be lost  But fix your all upon the cross.  Wait.  Find in life's storms, the place to hide  Forsaking all to be at Christ's side  Forgetting the past, pressing on for the goal  Entrusting to Christ the growth of your soul.  Wait.

Christ's Promises

  Hidden in folds of darkness; Sparkling like jewels in the night: The promises of our Savior, Shine forth from His Word as our light. The heavens and earth now are passing, But the Word of our God stands secure. From everlasting to everlasting, Christ's promises remain ever sure. So let us behold---the beauty of the Lord As we are still before His precious Word Radiant in light is the love of God that shines From the wounds of the Lord Jesus Christ

When We Were Waiting for Alethia!

Remembering when we were still waiting to welcome Alethia Gabriella! Now she is 4 months old!    

Where I Abide

Though the night be deep with darkness Though my sorrows be filled with pain I will hope in the Lord forever I count all as loss but the cross is my gain Though I walk through the Valley of shadows Though my heart be lonely and tried I will look to you Lord, and remember you always And in your glorious presence shall hide. Alone Your nearness is my GOOD ONLY Alone Your love satisfies my soul's desire Alone You are my light in darkness Alone Your Joy is my strength through the fire Alone Your Word is my SOLID GROUND Alone Your name is my fortress to hide Alone You are my peace and rest Alone Your presence is where I abide.

Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review