
Showing posts from May, 2019

Only Jesus

Precious Lord Jesus, in You there is fullness of joy! At Your right hand there are pleasure forevermore!  Yet for so long, I have dwelt in darkness thinking that this joy and pleasure was somehow out of my reach. Wrongly did I think that if only I could read my Bible enough, pray enough, memorize enough Bible verses, search my motives and empty every action of pride enough, and do all in my power to meet all the standards in Your Word---then perhaps I would be able to walk with You like Enoch, be Your friend like Abraham, see Your glory like Moses, be a person after your own heart like David, be greatly loved by You like Daniel, and somehow when I reach Heaven's shores I would be special to You and not just one of the faces in Heaven's vast throng of Saints. I have wearied myself seeking Heaven's reward, despaired when all I have seen in my work has been sin, and sat long hours in the darkness knowing I would never be good enough to reach my desired haven and my actions nev...

Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

The Broken Veil