All I Want to Show~A Birthday Poem

 Another year has passed behind
My dusty feet into the sunset sky,
And I pause from walking further on
To gaze back on days forever gone.
•  •  •
And the question echos in my mind:
What have I to show for all the steps I've climbed?
For all the days I've lived this past year?
For all the sorrows bathed in bitter tears?
•  •  •
What have I to hold on to from where I've come?
From what I've learned; from all I've done?
For the joy and sadness mingling in my heart?
What have I to show as a new year starts?
•  •  •
And I realize afresh with new born eyes
That all I have to show is Christ.
In all the days that I passed through
A million ways God whispered "I love you"
•  •  •
He used the sorrows, the joys, the sin
To point my eyes back to Him
He stood strong when I was weak
When I was lost, He came to seek
My trembling, broken, sinful soul
He raised me up and makes me whole 
•  •  •
When I was swept in swirling waves
Christ reached out His wounded hands to save
When I thought hope was almost lost
My Savior showed me, my sins cost
His nail-pierced hands outstretched in love
As grace streamed down to me from above
To cleanse away my filth and shame
To call me by His precious name
•  •  •
He bore the wrath reserved for me
He took my cup and set me free
He clothed me with His righteousness
And sealed me in His faithfulness
•  •  •
He did what I could never do
He buried my flesh with Him in the tomb
Then His Father joyfully displayed
His satisfaction  in raising His Son from the grave.
•  •  •
By the Spirit's power, I am raised up with Him
And brought near in Christ---cleansed from my sin.
A million ways and more He shows,
His faithful love to me on life's road.
•  •  •
As thirty years have passed me by
I see its been given to show me Christ
And now with joy, I press on the way
And all I want to show each day
Is the beauty of Christ shining from the cross
One glimpse of His glory turns all else to loss
Compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ
The King of my Soul, The Lord of my life.

•  •  •


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