Glorious Riches of Grace

Glorious riches of grace
Lavished on us in the Son
Who redeemed us by His blood
To unite us all as one
For Jesus is the Head
And the church is His body
We are sinners welcomed by the Lord

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!
Who has blessed us evermore
In the Lamb who was slain upon the cross
Christ Jesus died in our place
Took our sin and gave us grace
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! 
Praise the Lord!

Wondrous mercy flows down
From Jesus our precious King
For the Father's love was displayed
In Christ's suffering
For Jesus is the Savior
And the church is His bride
We are sinners welcomed by the Lord


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil