
Showing posts from February, 2021

Look at the Birds ~ A Song for My Mother

(A song for my Mother who always reminds me to "Look at the Birds") Look at the birds Watch them fly Higher and higher  Into the blue sky They neither plant Nor harvest their food But your Father in Heaven Knows what to do Daily bread O, from His loving Hand Just what they need When they need it Mercy pours a gain and again Grace today O, from His loving Heart Always on time Always enough Just look a t the birds Look at the birds Hear their songs Filling the darkness With hope for the dawn And even if one Of the sparrows should fall Your Father in Heaven He knows it all Every day Written in His book Every sorrow And every joy Comes through  His Hand Every Tear In His heart h eld dear For He is close To the broken and crushed Just look a t the birds Look at the birds See their nest A home of wood  And hay f or rest You may wonder Why now t hey have more Know your Father has Much more in store Heavenly rest For He prepares Your home At the Golden Shore Who could ask for mor...


 By God's FAITHFUL GRACE , we stand,  Together hand in hand. The years have passed, But this love we share remains steadfast. The storms may come, as storms will do; The seas may rage as we sail through This life together side by side But we have a refuge, a place to hide: The mighty name of our Lord,  Our strong tower; His Word our sword To fight the battles, not of flesh or bone To stand firm in faith, in righteousness not our own. Many waters cannot quench this love, That binds our hearts in life to God above. Rivers cannot wash it away For it is a mighty flame that burns night and day. It is a picture for all to see--- A picture of Christ's love at Calvary, Loving His bride in life and death; Washing her clean with His blood and breath. Sacrificing His all, for her gain; Enduring God's wrath through agonizing pain. Resting lifeless and cold in the grave, Raised to life with power to save, Ascended to Heaven and seated on High, Coming again on clouds in the sky. This i...

Following Jesus to the Cross ~ The Story of Mary

  “My soul magnifies the Lord,  And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,  For he has looked on the HUMBLE ESTATE of his servant.     For behold, from now on all generations will call me BLESSED; For he who is mighty has done great things for me,     And holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him     From generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm;     He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; He has brought down the mighty from their thrones     And exalted those of humble estate; He has filled the hungry with good things,     And the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel,     In remembrance of his mercy,  As he spoke to our fathers,     To Abraham and to his offspring forever.” (Luke 1:46-55) Sisters, these are the words of a young woman whose heart was filled with awe and wonder at God's amazing GRACE. This is Ma...

Walking with Jesus in His Word


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

The Broken Veil