Look at the Birds ~ A Song for My Mother

(A song for my Mother who always reminds me to "Look at the Birds")

Look at the birds
Watch them fly
Higher and higher 
Into the blue sky

They neither plant
Nor harvest their food
But your Father in Heaven
Knows what to do

Daily bread
O, from His loving Hand
Just what they need
When they need it
Mercy pours again and again

Grace today
O, from His loving Heart
Always on time
Always enough
Just look at the birds

Look at the birds
Hear their songs
Filling the darkness
With hope for the dawn

And even if one
Of the sparrows should fall
Your Father in Heaven
He knows it all

Every day
Written in His book
Every sorrow
And every joy
Comes through His Hand

Every Tear
In His heart held dear
For He is close
To the broken and crushed
Just look at the birds

Look at the birds
See their nest
A home of wood 
And hay for rest

You may wonder
Why now they have more
Know your Father has
Much more in store

Heavenly rest
For He prepares Your home
At the Golden Shore
Who could ask for more
Press on to the end!

Eternal joy
That can never fade
Though we sorrow now
We shall rejoice
In that day


Daily bread
O, from His loving Hand
Just what we need
When we need it
Mercy pours again and again

Grace today
O, from His loving Heart
Always on time
Always enough
Just look at His Word

Every day
Written in His book
Every sorrow
And every joy
Comes through His hand

Every tear
In His heart held dear
For He is close 
To the broken and crushed
Just look at His Word

Heavenly Rest
For He prepares your home
At the Golden Shore
Who could ask for more
Press on to the end!

Eternal joy
That can never fade
Though we sorrow now
We shall rejoice 
Just look at His Word

Though we sorrow now
We shall rejoice
Just look at the birds


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The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

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Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil