By God's FAITHFUL GRACE, we stand, 

Together hand in hand.

The years have passed,

But this love we share remains steadfast.

The storms may come, as storms will do;

The seas may rage as we sail through

This life together side by side

But we have a refuge, a place to hide:

The mighty name of our Lord, 

Our strong tower; His Word our sword

To fight the battles, not of flesh or bone

To stand firm in faith, in righteousness not our own.

Many waters cannot quench this love,

That binds our hearts in life to God above.

Rivers cannot wash it away

For it is a mighty flame that burns night and day.

It is a picture for all to see---

A picture of Christ's love at Calvary,

Loving His bride in life and death;

Washing her clean with His blood and breath.

Sacrificing His all, for her gain;

Enduring God's wrath through agonizing pain.

Resting lifeless and cold in the grave,

Raised to life with power to save,

Ascended to Heaven and seated on High,

Coming again on clouds in the sky.

This is the love of Christ for His own

Those born again of faith, not of blood or bone,

For on them He lavishes FAITHFUL GRACE

And promises one day that they will see His face.

This love so strong, that it conquered death and the grave,

Is the love we share through the stormy waves,

Through the sunshine streaming on gentle seas---

The love I see, when you look at me.

For poured deep into your soul

Is Christ's love, which has made you whole.

And now His love, you lavish upon me:

His FAITHFUL GRACE for all to see.


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil