Grace for the Season

 Ever changing from day to day; seasons come and go. Winters ice melts into wet Spring days that waters Summer's flowers and trees, which turns into Fall's crunchy fallen leaves. Far off places simply mark their seasons by wet and dry, but even they change day by day. So in our hearts, we must realize that God has appointed His seasons and times. Some are easier to pass through than others, but all are from Him. How hard it is though to live out these moments if not lived daily in the grace God gives to us in each season. 

Spring's joyous song fills our hearts with awe as new life blossoms and grows up from the deadness we have seen and felt. The promise of new life coming, the whisper of hope tickling our hearts as we realize that winter was not forever. The deadness all around cannot triumph when Spring's trumpet sounds.

Summer's heat grows ripe with life springing up everywhere. Worry seems to melt under the intense gaze of the Son. New strength is felt and work is accomplished as the light of the Son shines on into late evening hours. My heart knows no limits in such sweet times, as I soar to unknown heights.

Yet as Fall rounds the corner with the frightening reality of falling leaves and cold weather, hearts shiver at the thought of the sweetness of Summer life going from here. And Winter's icy blasts, sends fears and doubts deep inside with the mocking question of wondering if life shall disappear forever. Will the cold be our forever covering? Will the warmth of life stop its shining or the sound of birds cease to sing? Yet once again winter comes to an end and spring rises back up from deep within.


I have long felt the icy cold of winter hovering over my soul. I struggle so deeply in this season because I simply cannot see anything. I cannot see any growth, I do not feel any warmth, and everything in my life looks so frightening and cold. But God gives us grace for this season! He bestows these cold icy winters to give our souls the opportunity to grow deeply. The reason we do not see any growth "outside" in our lives is because God is busy doing His work inside our hearts. All we may feel is the icy cold now, but grace is ours in Christ if we will but run to Him for it. Hold tight to the grace of God, knowing that you are forever held by His grip of grace.


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The Lord is My Shepherd #2

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