His Story

In a moment all my dreams dissolved
As the slow and steady tide revolved
To wash my castles in the sand
Erasing the work of my own hand.

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My salty tears mingled with the foaming wave
That engulfed my work in a watery grave
And took all my sandy treasures out to sea
And forced my feet to surrender and flee.

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On higher ground, I found a place
To stand secure and see the grace
Of the Maker seen in His timeless story
That His work alone receives all the glory.

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For in my grain of time, I sought to make
A work of art for my name's sake
Yet in faithfulness the Almighty proclaimed
The Eternal glory of His great name.

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So now upon the Rock I stand
And watch the work of God's own hand.
He stirs the waters with His breath
And raises dead souls up from death.

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He blossoms trees in desert sand
And causes rocks to water barren land.
He sends bread from Heaven for men to eat
And sent the Bread of Life to make for them in Heaven a seat.

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He broke the chains of sin and the grave
And showed the broken His power to save.
He leads His ransomed ones to Glory
And accomplishes every word of His story.


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil