Still Small Voice

Broken silence cut in the sea of time
Filled with the whisper of the Divine
For when my life breaks like a crashing wave
Your still small voice has power to save.


Painful moments designed for my cure
Filled with fire to make me pure
For when my steps lead through the fiercest flames
Your still small voice, still whispers my name.


Wounded soul, broken and bleeding
Filled with the pain of following Your leading
For when my will kneels in Gethemene's garden
Your still small voice echos the blood bought pardon.


Shattered Hope crushed in Love's embrace
Filled with true beauty; transformed by Heaven's grace
For when my eyes are fixed on the Son
Your still small voice reminds me that the battle is won.


And so I take...

One small step in the path of surrender
Filled with obedience to a Shepherd so tender
For when my heart trembles in fear on the way
Your still small voice tells me You're with me today.


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil