Desert Lands

Wandering through desert lands
On the path carved in stone.
The way seems desolate
As I walk here alone

And over and over again I find, 
This road leads back to the same broken place where I hide.

I wonder, when will this road lead to you?
When will my wandering in desert lands be through?
When will I see you face to face?
When will I stop hiding in this broken place?

A sweet, gentle breeze whispers my name:
"Child, look up and see the crimson rays
Of the Son's wondrous glory
Shining on every step of your story

You are not lost in a dry desert land
You are simply walking the path in my hand.
And that path shall always lead you to the place you can hide,
The broken place is for you to rest and abide
In my mercy and grace for my wounds are your healing.
You may not understand all I'm revealing
In the tiny moments of your days,
But know that you are never out of my gaze.

What you think is wandering on an endless road,
I see as a journey in my hand to know
The depths of my love, mercy and grace
To find joy in my wounds as they reveal my face.

For when all that you see is darkness unfolding,
I see you deep in my hand my wounds enclosing;
And I know you are right where you should be,
Hidden in me in the depths of my love
Yearning for the day when you'll see my face above."


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The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

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