Over and Over and Over Again

The morning is new as I meet it again
And waiting for me is the mess without end
And over and over and over again
I kneel in the mess, my little ones to attend.

For I've three little lambs who are crying again
With hurts that cascade and fears that descend;
And over and over and over again
My love meets these lambs in their mess to transcend.

•   •   •   •

Reaching past the tears and the mess that is seen
To touch little hearts once again
With whispers of mercy and tidings of joy
Of life everlasting in the end.
And over and over and over again
Christ's love is proclaimed to the lambs that I tend

Lord, Your new morning mercies meet me again
As I wait for you here in the mess that I'm in
And over and over and over again
You kneel in this mama's mess to rescue my heart from sin.

•   •   •   •

For I, Your helpless lamb, am crying again
With a heart full of hurt from fears lying din;
And over and over and over again
Your love meets me here, this battle to win.

•   •   •   •

For reaching down to earth from Heaven above
Your Spotless Lamb died in my place so that never again 
Would I stand condemned in my sin 
Never, no never, no never again 
Would the mess of today rob me of Your joy without end

•   •   •   •

For Christ my Savior took the mess that was mine
And never, no never, no never again
Will I face a new day without my Savior and Friend.
For Jesus kneels here in my mess evermore
To plead for my soul and wash me from sin
And one day soon to bring me Home with Him. 
And never, no never, no never again 
Will I be seperated from my King and the joy of being with Him.


Diaries of a Coastie

The Lord is My Shepherd

The Lord is My Shepherd #2

Encouraging Thoughts from Susannah Spurgeon

Pleasures of God Book Review

Faithful Grace

Only Jesus

The Everlasting Word

The Unchangeable Rock

The Broken Veil